Helping shift your relationship to food, exercise, and body, so you can find freedom and thrive.


Anonymous Client Reviews


These are some authentic reviews from clients, parents, and treatment team members. As eating disorders are personal, client and parent names are not being mentioned for their anonymity.


It’s such a positive experience anytime I collaborate with Jenny and have her as part of the treatment team. She is very skilled at taking the goals set by the team and supporting the client in reaching those benchmarks through the daily, practical, real-life aspects of recovery. In addition to being exceptionally knowledgeable about eating disorders and recovery, it’s evident that she leads with her whole heart. She is always an invaluable member of the team and I highly recommend her as a coach!
— Kathryn Sica, LMFT, CEDS; Los Angeles, CA

Having a child with an eating disorder is one of the scariest things a parent can experience. Jenny came into our home and held our hands as we navigated the unchartered waters together. Jenny’s calm demeanor and warm heart helped our child to begin opening up and find her strength to heal.
— AJS, Parent; Los Angeles, CA

Jenny is one of the best food coaches I have ever had, and one of the most helpful members of my therapeutic team. I first met her over a year ago in sober living and she has since helped me learn how to cook, grocery shop, and eat in a non-disordered way. She is super funny, easy to talk to, and really understanding of all my issues - especially anorexia stuff. She helps me do literally everything food-related that gives me anxiety such as grocery shopping, eating meals and meal accountability, learning how to prepare new recipes...there’s literally nothing she can’t or won’t help me with. She also responds super fast and is really easy to get comfortable around. I’m usually shy but I was having full conversations and joking around with her by our second or third session. I would recommend her to anybody in eating disorder recovery, whether they’ve just started their recovery journey or have been in it for a while and need extra support, Jenny will always be there for you!
— EJ, Client; Venice, CA

Coaching is a critical tool in recovery because it is the most hands-on. Jenny has taken our daughter shopping, cooked meals together, as well as eating out, even doing so virtually during the pandemic. Our daughter views her not only as a recovery coach, but as a friend who has recovered herself and can support her emotionally. We are so grateful to have Jenny as a member of our daughter’s team.

Jen without a doubt has saved my life. She is everything one can ask for in a coach and a person. She is kind, patient, and understanding. She helped me see the value in my life and one was one of the first people to help me see any semblance of hope after 20 years of self-destruction. She is one of the most inspiring people I have met. Anyone would be lucky to work with her.
— AF, Client; Santa Monica, CA

I came to you looking for help, solutions, someone that could fix me... What I found was deep compassion, understanding, and unconditional support... It was only there that my journey to recovery started.

— FK, Client; Miami, FL

Jen has a unique ability to make every client’s treatment plan individualized by offering personalized interventions and meeting the client where they are at. Having collaborated with her on many cases in the past, she has excellent communication and adds integral insight into eating disorder behavior.
— Maggie Barber, AMFT/Case Management; Los Angeles, CA
I highly recommend Jenny Mullaney. We hired her to help us with the transition of bringing our daughter home from her second residential treatment facility. Jenny made, what would have been a very challenging process for our family to manage, quite seamless. She helped us with our daughter’s meal plans, helped us to prepare meals, sat and ate with her through the most difficult of times, supported our daughter’s struggle with her old clothing that not longer fit, and was at our daughter’s side whenever she was struggling. We could not have gotten through this very hard time period without Jenny’s expertise, guidance, and support. She is worth every penny.
— HT, Parent; Studio City, CA
Leaving eating disorder treatment and walking into major hip surgery the next morning was something I had been panicking about for months prior. My team recommended me to seek help from Jenny during my surgery and ED recovery processes after graduating from treatment. Immediately, Jenny and I clicked…so much so that I cried the first time we met. (It was not even a session; I was just getting to know her). She always made me feel so heard while also helping me challenge my eating disorder voice. Her smile and genuine care always made me glad to see her, regardless of what fear food we were challenging that day. Having outside support from her was one of the most helpful things that kept my ED recovery on track while my hip healed. There is no word other than grateful that comes to mind when I think of Jenny. She has made a lasting impact on my life and I forever thankful that our paths crossed.
— SF, CLIENT; Los Angeles, CA